The Newstart OnLine

Main Index July 2020 - June 2021

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Vol 1 No 1 : July 2020


 An Introduction to Social Credit (not the Chinese version) -
Part 1 

A Canadian videoed Interview of 28 minutes in which Dr Oliver Heydorn gives a basic outline of the nature of Douglas Social Credit. It can be profitably shared.


Dr Sonia Marshall interviews  Charles Pinwill in a 39 minute video.

The nature and importance of doing proper National Accounts is made plain. 


Residential Finance – A matter of Life or Debt

A one page expose of the consequences for families of the Banks’ policy of inflating house prices.


A beautiful, beautiful five minute sung liturgical hymn.


who advocates a Universal Basic Income financed by debt-free credit. A read of about  


Anti-Matter Money; or Monetary Baryogenesis

A 1½ page exploration of the unthinkable; the means of destroying debt.


Douglas’ Sydney City Hall Meeting, 1934:

Douglas visited Australia in 1934 and gave an address at the Sydney Town Hall, the report of which from Fred Taylor will interest those in this historical event.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A major


Dr Michael Behe is one of a growing number of Scientists who are challenging Neo-Darwinism on purely scientific grounds. His challenge centres around his observations of  “irreducible complexity” in biology, and the impossibility of a gradual development of functionality in such cases.

Vol1No1  July 2020


“Economic Democracy”

was C H Douglas’s first work which launched the Social Credit Movement in 1919. We are treating you here to the first and second Chapters.

Vol1No1   July 2020

Vol 1 No 2 : August 2020


The ABC Bill before the US Congress

Finance with Neither Debt nor Tax

This Bill is currently before the US Congress and proposes the creation of $2 trillion free of both debt and taxation.

Vol1No2   Aug 2020


Basic Income through a National Dividend

A 46 minute video of Will Waite and Charles Pinwill discussing the National Dividend concept

Vol1No2   Aug 2020


Proletariats or Proprietors

A 1½ page discussion of our option to either continue as paid wage slaves, or become owners of our country and participate in its distribution of a National Dividend.

Vol1No2   Aug 2020


The Quality Of Mercy

A small gem from Western culture. Shakespeare’s monologue of Portia deserves a revisit every few years.

Vol1No2   Aug 2020


The Breakdown of the Employment System

An address by C H Douglas in 1923. Its relevance only increases each year with technology, advanced processes and artificial intelligence curtailing direct human labour requirements in the modern economy


The Nature of Social Credit:-

These are the first four segments uttof a 14 part animation explaining the nature of Social Credit. Episode 1 - 4


The Douglas Cure for the Economic ills. 

Part 1 - A 1933 article from the English Journal The New Age explaining Douglas’s diagnosis and prescriptive cure for the Great Depression.


5th Symphony in C Minor

There is a speculation that Beethoven’s disappointed expectations for great things from Napoleonian’s France, and his hopes and despair for a triumph of the human spirit inspired this.


TU Delft - Ambulance Drone.

Future technoloy which is already here


The Major Problems with Bank Money Creation By Tim Di Muzio

School of Humanities and Social Inquiry, University of Wollongong, Australia. He is also an Associate at the Centre for Advanced International Theory, University of Sussex, UK. He is a breath of fresh air in that he will address the problems associated with the creation of credit.


The Monopoly of Credit

The most useful and important of Douglas’s works to the understanding of the economics of Social Credit..

Chapter 1 & 2


Corporate Boat Race

A comedy of Corporate Management’s “best practice”.

Vol 1 No 3 : September 2020


A Lecture on Social Credit given by Dr Oliver Heydorn

This is the first of a series of lectures on Social Credit given by Dr Oliver Heydorn in 2014.

It is of 41 minutes and deals with the economic aspects.


Income From a National Dividend
By Charles Pinwill

A fairly comprehensive exposition of the concept of a National Dividend written for presentation to an audience committed to the Universal Basic Income.


Employment Induced Pollution

It contends that the policy of full-employment is the greatest cause of the overly exploitative use of resources, and pollution too.


The Nature of Social Credit:-

These are the second set of four segments of a 14 part animation explaining the nature of Social Credit.

Episode 5 - 8

Click Here for Vol 1 No 3  September 2020


Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.

It begins with a beautiful spring, then a tempestuous summer,

a gentle autumn, and finally a sharp winter. A strings orchestra at its best.


The Douglas Cure for the Economic ills.

Part 2 of an exposition of Social Credit continued from last month. A reprint from The New Age journal of June, 1933.


Defending the "Defender in Chief"

On Trump and the defence of the US Constitution. This is a highly intelligent interview on the importance of the separation of powers, and the decentralisation of power in government. While set in the area of the American law, it does much to reinforce the Westminster system which fathered it, and illuminate eternal principles of importance.


On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs: A Work Rant

by David Graeber

In spite of its profane title this is a brilliant exposition of the utter futility of the consequences of full-employment as a means of government and control, and the suppression of individuality  and personal  leisure it brings. 

Click Here for Vol 1 No 3  September 2020


Origins of Islam.

This is authoritative research by recognized scholars which completely changes our understanding of the history of Islam. Mecca was nowhere written in Arabic until over 100 years after Muhammad’s death, and so much more. Can Islam survive this expose? 


The Monopoly of Credit

Chapter 3 & 4 of C H Douglas’s most important work of Social Credit economics.


Us Rabbits

By R. O. Dent.

A seven stanza piece on the foolishness of us all.

Click Here for Vol 1 No 3  September 2020

Vol 1 No 4 : October 2020


The Wholeness of Social Credit Series
given by
Dr Oliver Heydorn Ph. D
Social Credit Politics

This is the second of a series of lectures on Social Credit given by Dr Oliver Heydorn in 2014.


Who in Hell Needs Social Credit? … 

A nine page article which doesn’t really seem to answer the question, but is worth a read nevertheless


The Making of the Mongrel Dog

If ever we do actually want to seriously rein in our politicians, that is, stop whingeing and really do it, this offers economy in doing it, as well as fun.


If you Want a Say,

More scurrilous Mongrel Dog voting  ideas.

Click Here for Vol 1 No 4  October 2020


Cry Havoc …
Our politicians are completely out of control. We have listed a few common grievances below, as if any of us need reminding. They don’t listen, and don’t need to, and don’t want to!


The Nature of Social Credit:-

These are the third set of three segments of a 14 part animation explaining the nature of Social Credit. 
Episodes 9 - 11


 The Sting In The Tail ...

An article from The New Age journal in 1934. The misrepresentation of Social Credit had already begun.


The Three Tenors

The Three Tenors were a popular operatic singing group during the 1990s and early 2000s, consisting of Spaniard Plácido Domingo and José Carreras and Italian, Luciano Pavarotti taken from their London performance in 1996, duration of this clip is 23 minutes, but even time for a little listen is rewarding.

Click Here for Vol 1 No 4  October 2020


The Monopoly of Credit

Chapter 5 & 6 of C H Douglas’s most important work of Social Credit economics.


Training Monkeys and Others …

Are Politicians making monkeys out of us, or are we making our Politians out of monkeys.


The Money Game ...

Money is now the “Key” sanction in directing the human organism.
The military, the media and the whole modus operandi revolve around “money”.
This work explores and explains
what is necessary for an Inde-pendent and free society for us all.

Click Here for Vol 1 No 4  October 2020

Vol 1 No 5 : November 2020


The Wholeness of Social Credit Series 
given by Dr Oliver Heydorn Ph. D Social Credit Philosophy


Vol1No5   Nov 2020


The Role of Social Credit in Restoring Classical Conservatism

Dr Oliver Heydorn's piece on Toryism. A thought provoking essay on organic conservatism.

Vol1No5   Nov 2020


The Michael Journal

he Michael Journal is unique.
It espouses both Social Credit and traditional Catholicism.

Vol1No5   Nov 2020


Rossini’s Barber of Seville Overture.

Gioacchino Rossini: Overture to the Opera «Il barbiere di Siviglia» Tonkünstler

Vol1No5   Nov 2020

Click Here for Vol 1 No 5  November 2020


Johann Strauss:Emperor Waltz.

Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra

Vol1No5   Nov 2020


The Nature of Social Credit:-

These are the third set of three segments of a 14 part animation explaining the nature of Social Credit. 
Episodes 12 - 14

Vol1No5   Nov 2020


Gertrude Coogan’s “Money Creators ”

An incredible account of how the American Revolution was financed.

Vol1No5   Nov 2020


A Job Interview

It's only 4 minutes with an ending which will surprise nobody.

Vol1No5   Nov 2020

Click Here for Vol 1 No 5  November 2020


Why We’re all Debt Slaves

Vol1No5   Nov 2020


Economists’ Effluvial Effluxions

An 8 x A4 page visit to the ridiculous contradictions of well-known prominent Economists.

Vol1No5   Nov 2020


James Tour:

The Mystery of the Origin of Life

James Tour on the Origins of life. He is a genuine scientist who exposes the impossibility of life in the absence of an intelligent creator. Some good belly laughs here.

Vol1No5   Nov 2020


I Believe. A Creed for the Practical Christian.

This is a special promotional video created for New Start. Please  "like" it on YouTube and send it to as many others as you possibly can.

Vol1No5   Nov 2020

Click Here for Vol 1 No 5  November 2020

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

The Monopoly of Credit

Chapter 7 & 8 of C H Douglas’s most important work of Social Credit economics.

Vol1No5   Nov 2020

Click Here for Vol 1 No 5  November 2020

Vol 1 No 6 : December 2020

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

An Introduction to Social Credit Theory - with Oliver Heydorn

A recent audio interview of Oliver Heydorn by Tom Massey done in Brisbane on the nature of Social Credit. It is of 64 minutes and traverses a wide range of Social Credit theory in so short a period.

The Nature of Social Credit:-

The whole animation series of 14 segments on Social Credit is now available. This material will not date, so will have a permanent application throughout all the future. Each segment is of about 3 to 4 minutes in length.

Full Series 


Particle Physics. What is a Photon? Atmospheric CO2

This is pure science and completely destroys the climate alarmists’ claims. CO2 only acts as a hot house gas when associated with specific wave lengths of infrared radiation photons.


The 97% Myth

Dr. John Robson investigates the unsound origins and fundamental inaccuracy, even dishonesty, of the claim that 97% of the world's scientists, agree that climate change is man-made, urgent and dangerous.

Click Here for Vol 1 No 6  December 2020


A Mad World

It is difficult to believe the lunacy of economic policy during the Great Depression.


Demolition Theory

What we know as “built-in-obsolesce” was just emerging in 1934 and this piece puts it forward as an idea of demolition.


Dr. Sonia Marshall Interviews Charles Pinwill

A short explanation of the National Dividend concept, followed by questions and answers.


Royal Choral Society: 'Hallelujah Chorus' from Handel's Messiah

High culture for Christmas. Handel’s Messiah chorus of 4 ½ minutes

Click Here for Vol 1 No 6  December 2020


G. F. Handel: Messiah HWV 56 

(fantastic performance) 


Is Economics Really That Incomprehensible?

Dr Oliver Heydorn and Charles Pinwill kick around many of the least understood or known facts in modern economics.


The Mathematics of God

A  mathematical thesis on the probability of an intelligent designer of life.  On reading this even unbelievers cannot believe the improbability of an intelligent agent not being there at creation.


The Monopoly of Credit 

Chapters IX and X are the final chapters of this most important work by C H Douglas.

Click Here for Vol 1 No 6  December 2020

Christmas Special 2020


Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring -

Johann Sebastian Bach

Xmas Special   Christmas 2020



Christmas in Vienna.



Excruciatingly beautiful choral music.

Perfect for Christmas morning..

Xmas Special   Christmas 2020


And Now For The Children

For those who will have children at their place during Christmas this is a wolf story they will love.

Xmas Special   Christmas 2020

Click Here for Christmas Special  Christmas Special 2020


Breath of Life

This is also a joyous video. It marks the end of the scientific pretensions of the climate alarmists. They will never escape this one and the two other videos at its end. One viewing of this and every alarmists will know that he is a phony, and that what he proclaims is impossible.


Charles Dickens and the Invention of Christmas (1)

Charles Dickens and his wonderful work Christmas Carol which reinvented Christmas after Oliver Cromwell had outlawed it and made Christmas pudding illegal.


Charles Dickens and the invention of Christmas (2)


Top 33 Chistmas Carols

Christmas carols.  1 ½ hours in all.

Xmas Special   Christmas 2020

Click Here for Christmas Special  Christmas Special 2020


The Great Reset

The "will to power" has eternally fantasized that men can be driven down the scale of existence into a triumph of oppression. This is the latest insane illusionary notion which, with God's ever present help, will be defeated yet again. Amen

Xmas Special   Christmas 2020

Click Here for Christmas Special  Christmas Special 2020

Vol 2 No 2 : February 2021


Alexander Solzhenistsyn

Solzhenitsyn and the Soviet.

An audio presentation by Stephen Hotkin on the amazing achievements of Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Vol2No1   Feb 2021


Latest on death of the Koran.

Those interested in the growing challenge to the Moslem story of the birth of Islam will be rewarded here.

Vol2No1   Feb 2021


C H Douglas’s

Only audio speech in existence, 
entitled "The Causes of War”.

Vol2No1   Feb 2021

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Former Aussie Treasurer, Paul Keating, backing Social Credit

28 September 2020

Delete the above image or replace it with a picture that illustrates your message. Click on the picture to change it's rounded corner style.

Vol2No1   Feb 2021

Click Here for Vol 2 No 1  February 2021


Professor Peter Ridd, 

a real authority on the Barrier Reef, demolishes alarmist on the state of the reef.

Vol2No1   Feb 2021


Professor Behe on irreducible complexity.

Genetic change is  via functional destruction.

Vol2No1   Feb 2021


Conspiracy is Not to be Admitted Under any Stinking  Circuses

Vol2No1   Feb 2021


Probability of a Single Protein Forming by Chance

The probability of randomly building proteins is examined. Even building one by random processes takes more than all time and space can provide. Intelligent design is needed here.

Vol2No1   Feb 2021


ThreeAn essay on practical Christianity.

Vol2No1   Feb 2021



A full employment video. No wonder economists worship pressing everyone into compulsory service in preference to paying any National Dividend. A 4 minute video.

Vol2No1   Feb 2021


Freedom Potentials was a video series in twenty segments of approximately 20 to 30 minutes each, which was produced in the 1990’s. It was created to assist and nurture the free society in the best Western tradition. This edition of New Start offers the first 2 segments. 

Vol2No2   Mar 2021


Mexico’s Left-Wing President Schools America in Free Speech and Civil Rights

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (ALMO for short) is the President of Mexico. He criticizes Dr Anthony Fauci for spending $48 billion on seeking a covid-19 vaccine, but absolutely nothing upon discovering better treatments for those with the virus.

Vol2No2   Mar 2021


The Problem of Grovelment.

We can stop wondering why politicians are so universally disappointing. It is all explained by a system of recruitment and training which the intelligent young and ambitious must discern and apply to succeed.

Vol2No2   Mar 2021


Amadeus (1984) - Salieri's 

March of Welcome (full scene) 

The genius of the teenage Mozart who indiscreetly upstages Salieri. 

Vol2No2   Mar 2021


Vivaldi's Gloria

University of North Texas: Collegium Singers & Baroque Orchestra

Richard Sparks, conductor.

Recorded live December 2, 2011

Vol2No2   Mar 2021


Slavery, Work and Service; The Three Ages of Man.

Actions offered for the benefit of others arise in one of three ways; they are compelled by force (slavery), induced by recompense (paid work), or given gratis from a motive of love.

Vol2No2   Mar 2021


The Cambrian Explosion

A 2 hour technical video on the inexplicable appearance of most life forms’ fossils  all occurring suddenly in the Cambrian period of perhaps from 3 to 5 million years.  Previously there were practically none.

Vol2No2   Mar 2021


A.B. Again

Ninety-seven years ago this article by C H Douglas was published in

The New Age.
We suspect that it has not been republished since. The original article has been photographed here.

Vol2No2   Mar 2021


The Lion and the Ant – Lessons for Managers

 “Every day, a small Ant arrived at work early and starting work immediately, she produced a lot and she was happy. The boss, a lion, was surprised to see that the ant was working without supervision.

Vol2No2   Mar 2021


Freedom Potentials was a video series in twenty segments of approximately 20 to 30 minutes each, which was produced in the 1990’s. 

It was created to assist and nurture the free society in the best Western tradition. This edition of New Start offers lesson 3.

Vol2No3   Apr 2021


The Breakdown of the Employment System by C H Douglas. 

This prophetic address was given by C H Douglas on January 31, 1923 to the Newcastle Commercial Staffs’ Association. The Fabians had declared their opposition to Social Credit “whether the scheme is sound or not: I don’t like its object.” Workers were not to be allowed to progressively become proprietors of their societies’ profitability.

Vol2No3   Apr 2021


Franz Liszt’s life story and his Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

Vol2No3   Apr 2021


Paverioti In London

Nessun Dorma + Torna a Surriento Paverotti is always magi c

Vol2No3      Apr   2021


A Behe interview.

Professor Behe has identified complex biological machines composed of many parts, and which, if any single part is removed, will not work at all. This challenges their development by any gradual evolutionary process. Unless complete in their complexity they are a disadvantage to their organism.

Vol2No3   Apr 2021



Understanding ourselves is always a priority. While advertisers and we ourselves think that the novel is most attractive to us, it is actually the familiar which is the more powerful attractant. The familiar which surprises is actually what most interests us.

Vol2No3      Apr   2021

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Explaining the Gap.

This is an attempt by Edward Minton to explain why society always has less purchasing power than are the costs of consumer production.


Professor William Harper explains why CO2 cannot heat the atmosphere much more than it is doing so now.

A video of 23 minutes with a real scientist, who describes climate alarmism as just one of those mass hysterias which come along sometimes.

Vol2No3   Apr 2021


What's Wrong with Wind and Solar?

The renewable wind and solar energy sources are simply not going to meet the current expectations of them. This five minute video explains why.

Vol2No3      Apr   2021


“Income from a National Dividend”.  

This is the text of an address which puts the case for a national dividend quite comprehensively.

Vol2No3   Apr 2021


The passing of Supermarkets

This article leads one to believe that the supermarket is not here forever. Giant warehouses fully automated to handle retail sales are now being built, in which people are not employed at all. These may well deliver directly to your home and bypass the supermarket. One just orders directly from home on the internet.

Vol2No3   Apr 2021


Freedom Potentials was a video series in twenty segments of approximately 20 to 30 minutes each, which was produced in the 1990’s. 
It was created to assist and nurture the free society in the best Western tradition. This edition of New Start offers lesson 4.
Crown, Law and Constitution. 

Vol2No4 a  May 2021


The Denigration of a National Dividend.

The effort to maintain the economy out of recession has taken myriad forms; all constitute a means of increasing the money supply as debt. Increasing purchasing power with a freely given National Dividend  is a bridge too far for the public mind as of yet. About two A4 pages.

Vol2No4 a  May 2021


This is Jordan Petersen on post-modernism and cultural Marxism.

He doesn’t get an open cheque book from me; for instance he picks up evolution unnecessarily to explain that not all conclusions will serve life. But his nailing of the alliance of post-modernism with cultural Marxism which serves in the interests of resentment and the will-to-power badly needs to be heard in the chattering classes. - video 20 mins.

Vol2No4 a  May 2021


Fined For Feeding The Homeless

Canada  tried to disrupt a Polish Church Service. A two minute video and viewed already by 3 million people.. You will see why.

And there is more..

Vol2No4 a  May 2021


A R Orage was truly one of the most remarkable and unusual figures in the early 20th Century.

This Part I precedes the time in which he met Douglas and defected to Social Credit. The fat really hits the fire next month with Part II.

Vol2No4 a  May 2021


Martin Hurkens with
'You raise me up', & 
'Ave Maria'

(WWW.L1.NL is the public broadcaster for the Dutch region of Limburg)

Human Voice ~ Not your adverage busker

Vol2No4 a  May 2021


Social Credit and Usury
By Edward Minton

Should usury be cancelled for  lack of interest?


Vol2No4 a  May 2021


Walking in the Woods

With great sunny days,
this read is a must!

Vol2No4 a  May 2021


White Island Volcano
eruption on Dec. 9, 2019 - New Zealand.
The first video is the video that was put out after the volcano, but it was a fake video.
The second video is genuine.
Amazing footage.

Vol2No4 a  May 2021