Do Democracies Exist?

By Charles Pinwill

With hundreds of millions of people around the globe insisting that they are democrats and that their societies are democratic, you can’t be suggesting their nonexistence. No, I am not suggesting it, I am insisting upon it as an absolute certainty. So, if countries like the United States, France and New Zealand are not democracies, then what is democracy?

A democracy is a society in which all important public policy is decided, as a matter of course, through the members of that society each exercising a personal choice. Don’t people in those countries elect their governments? Yes, but there is more to “all important public policy” than appointing politicians. Votes here are in the form of ballot papers, a show of hands, or on the voices of Yea or Nay, but we elect other things in other ways which are extremely important too.

Like what? We elect to buy and use the consumer products which our society has produced. The votes we use here are bank notes or bank deposits. While it is the people who produce all  the consumer products, it is the banks who create all of the claims upon them, and the means we use of electing to use them. We are given one political vote each, but are never given economic votes to elect to use the products of our choice.

All money is created by banks, owned by banks, and is only ever rented to society at interest, so all the money which exists is always all owed to the banks as debt. The ballot papers of economic democracy are never distributed as our birthright. Is this important?

If you were offered all of the ballot papers in society, or all of its money creations, which would you choose? The money would allow you to own all the media, employ the best brains in your service, own or direct any industry as you may choose, so your despotism through a monopoly of money would amount to much the same thing. Of course, those who had all the political ballot papers would still think that they were in charge, and thinking so, would mostly leave its running to you.

It’s a good arrangement really. The people get the illusion of control and the banking elites get the actual control. What could be fairer than that? Both parties are

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