Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance March No 1 in D major, 'Land of Hope and Glory' (Prom 75)

Although I was born in England, I came to Australia when I was 20 over 50 years ago when Australia was also a land of hope and glory.
Although we can not  go back in time, it's not too late to shape our future. So where have we gone wrong. Could it have been, we have listened too long to the minority. Those who promised the world to us, so long as they are the ones controlling it. To the ones who want power, wealth, and our freedom.
Please fellow Australia, wake up before it is too late, bring back our land of hope and glory. God Bless. {whoops sorry we are not supose to say that.}

Tony, the person who publishes the New Start on line for our editor.

Tony, the guy who formats the New Start monthly journal for the Editor.