The New Start

The New Start On-Line

The New Start
Towards Economic Democracy
For Equity, Secruity & Personal Freedom.

About Us


Our policy is to make a new start towards economic democracy for equity, security and personal freedom. To define our terms:-

Equity implies an actual ownership of all persons in their respective countries, and their absolute right to a share in all money creations for consumption, without debt, as they are issued.

Security means the rule of law and equality before it. Economic well-being is of course implicit here.

Personal Freedom enshrines the responsible sovereignty of persons in their relationships.

This journal is published as a public service approximately monthly, in not for profit, and aims at attaining a society which is efficient in terms of human satisfaction. A priority objective is therefore the public sovereignty of money. While much will be created and loaned to industry by private banks for the purpose of production, our aim is that all other money creations for the purpose of ensuring sufficient consumer demand in the economy will be distributed without debt or interest and in equal shares to all persons.

Our policy is to make available material conducive to the attainment of economic democracy and to leaven this with culturally important items.

Subscription is free to all who care. All we require is that you give us a name and an email to receive each edition of The New Start, and that you respond to our conformation email to confirm that your email as a valid one.

The New Start will be published approximately monthly and will be emailed to all subscribers. This mailing list is never made available to other parties.

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