Understanding the Altercation between Russia and the Ukraine.

By Charles Pinwill, February 2024.

The interview of Tucker Carson and President Putin, and subsequent interviews, have ignited a storm of controversial speculation about  the nature of truth here.

Without understanding the deeper background to all this, nothing is sensible. What is at the base of this otherwise imponderable conundrum.

Nothing is comprehensible unless the real issue of the conflict and struggle is recognised, explained, and forms the background of what is at issue.

So what is it really about and what is the issue? 

There is no alternative here but to move the whole conversation towards a really adult conversation about the ultimate objectives of political dominion. This can only begin with examining the dominant sanction now operating in the world. Money determines who controls policy, and the key to understanding the power of money to direct policy comes with knowing how it is created, by whom, and the nature of their objectives.

98% of all modern money exists as bank deposits. These deposits are created by the banking system in giving out loans. Each loan when spent, creates an additional deposit of the same amount. When a loan is repaid the deposit used to pay it ceases to exist. In this way banks both create and destroy our money, and this places them in a position of mastery over all money excepting only notes and coins, which being only 2% of the total, can be regarded as insignificant in terms of the control of money.

The United States has the largest economy in the world and US dollars account for over 90% of all international transactions too. This effectively places the control of the world’s money supply in the United States. This control is exercised by the private banks there in association with the US central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank.

The suasion of these banks is both enormous and decisive. 98% of the US major media is owned by just six companies. Sufficient control is maintained there not only to ensure that their best interests are not challenged, but to ensure that all significantly important policy advocated accords with their wishes.

Initially these Banks operated at a local or State level, but in time they came to operate nationally. The one permanent abiding feature of all such power is that it continually seeks “more”. With the increasingly global nature of the economy, they developed global ambitions. Ultimately the greatest global ambitions are best served when association with global governance is achieved. So here, at the centre of the greatest money power existing in the world, globalism found its home and attempted to make global policy for us all. That policy was unashamedly, though not necessarily admittedly, for globalism..

Then came the greatest opportunity ever to make global governance inevitable. With the US economy effectively controlled and European nations inveigled into their system, the prospect for more developed.

The Soviet Union collapsed. If Russia could also be drawn in, their dominion would be unassailable, it could be expanded to other parts of the world also, and the road to global hegemony would be open.

One would have expected that in a sensible world, assistance for Russia to become a prosperous, free, and democratic country would have been forthcoming after the demise of communism. This would have served all the world’s interests admirably. Nothing of the kind happened.

Instead, the banking powers financed a plethora of oligarchs to snap up Russian assets at fire-sale prices. If this could be achieved sufficiently Russia would be enmeshed in the financial entanglements common to all Western nations. Very probably, a critical mass of power and influence would then exist which could dictate the world’s future.

This was more than tempting to the power at the centre of the West. They funded oligarchs who bought Russia’s steel industry, its gas and oil assets and it aluminium manufactories. Mopping up the less significant industries could follow. The banking power would then have an enormous new province under its administration, and almost certainly, have the critical mass to determine what happened everywhere else.

And then disaster! President Putin announced in Munich in 2017 that Russia would not countenance or submit to a “unipolar world”.

Putin took back the acquired assets, exiled some oligarchs and imprisoned others. One world with a central directive power was rejected. Russia would control its own assets thank you.

From here on President Putin and his Russia were deemed enemies. Some other method of subduing Russia had to be pursued.

Contradicting assurances given that NATO would not be advanced to the borders of Russia when the Warsaw pact withdrew from Eastern Europe, this was done. With a coup organised by the CIA for a change of regime in the Ukraine it was then proposed to bring this country also into NATO. This was intolerably provocatively and forced Russia’s hand. Only a military intervention could prevent this. This inevitably happened and exposed Russia to the imposition of sanctions.

The banking elites underestimated Russia. The sanctions did not collapse the Russian economy. Other nations, notably China and India, though others too, recognising the dangerous strategy of the money power which has captured the West, came to Russia’s assistance. Russia’s economy strengthened.

The residue of all this is that the Ukrainian war, with massive Western assistance, and after 400,000 Ukrainian dead, is still continuing. For the Ukraine it is clearly unwinnable. Russia, without any dramatic moves which might allow the Western peoples to be excited into sanctioning NATO intervention, are grinding it to a conclusion.

The Western banking powers and their minions in Government, don’t quite know what to do. Persisting on in the hope that “something will turn up” would seem to be the policy.

If the Ukraine can find Western permission to adopt neutrality and undertake not to join NATO, the war can end. This would mean a regime change in Ukraine, of course, so the present government will resist it, whatever their people’s casualties.

Presumably the killing will continue until a Ukrainian collapse. No matter. There are no banking elitists at the front.

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