The New Start Journal

    Vol 2. Issue 4

    May 2021

    Odoo text and image block

    A Polish Pastor Chases Cops Out Of Church
    Easter Sunday 

    Canada  tried to disrupt a Polish Church Service. A two minute video and viewed already by 3 million people.. You will see why.

    and thats not all


    In times of crisis, like the one we’re experiencing right now, we are at risk of losing our liberties. You may not expect this to happen in your country or province. You might even like your current political leadership. But once our liberties have been confiscated, we cannot take them back, at least without considerable effort.

    Artur Pawlowski was feeding homeless people in downtown Calgary when over half a dozen police officers surrounded him and issued him a cool $1,200 fine.

    Apparently this gathering was in contravention of new coronavirus lockdown laws, but there were more police officers attending this “crime" than there were alleged offenders.

    The sheer insanity of it almost sounds like fiction. The charity was operating outside, which is much safer than any shelter feeding people in cramped close quarters.

    That didn't matter to the police officers, who were acting strangely aggressively to a Christian pastor who was merely feeding the needy.Since this incident was brought to Rebel News’ attention, we have retained a lawyer for Artur. It's part of our nationwide plan to fight fines issued by overreaching law enforcement during the coronavirus pandemic.You can check out all our cases, submit your own for consideration, and donate to help pay these legal bills, at’s work together to take our rights and freedoms back.